Family Boat Build at the Toledo
Community Boathouse
Day 3, Wednesday, Dec 28, 2011
As usual, my build schedule has proven to be
unrealistic. There's just too much to learn, cut, fit, and
do to fit into a three-hour build session. And three hours
is just about all you can expect from family units. Fortunately,
I learn (slowly) so even though we are behind schedule, there
is still enough time.

The fitting, gluing, and screwing of the wales
and strakes was done - time to pull the boats off the strongbacks.
Here we see the Silwones, Elicia (12 - in the blue cap,) Ryan
(18 - holding the boat,) and their father, Dave (at the door.)
The Silwones have recovered from their flu just in time as
Gene and Cathy Forsythe had to return home.

The Corcorans were back and eager to get started.

And they'd brought a friend, Willeke (14 - dark
hair.) She and Jasper turned to on lashing the keel to the

The Scacco team was running late (surprise)
and had lost a man due to "girlfriend problems."
Aaron started helping Debbie get the keel on so they could
stay on schedule.

The floorboards turned out to be technical -
each had to be custom cut to fit its position, then holes
drilled and countersunk for the lashing. Jasper, Willeke,
and Keyonna became the drill team for everyone.

I like this picture because Willeke is photogenic,
she's working with Sonja, and she has her eye protection.
Not bad for a walk-on.

Elicia and Dave work on the floorboards while
Curt supervises. We'd decided to lash the floorboards into
position because we figured a screw would weaken the stringers.

Sasha borrowed Jordan to help hold the floorboard
in place.

Elicia is photogenic, too.

Mark, Andrew, and Christian showed up and joined
Debbie in the construction of their boat.

This is a cool picture - notice how the wind
from the drill is pushing Keyonna's hair while her mother
and brother work in the background. [EDIT: Never having had
long hair, I never even considered it might be dangerous around
tools. People: If you have long hair or loose clothing BRAIL

Sasha is also photogenic and can really work
a bandsaw, too bad she didn't have her eye protection on,
we could have made a poster from this.

Cutting, fitting and lashing six separate floorboards
really eats up the time.

As 2pm got closer, we started grouping together
on boats - more hands to make the tasks go faster.

Installing the king-posts for the seats was
another technical issue. The seats rest on the stringers and
the stringers flex under the weight of the paddler. The king-post
helps transfer some of the weight to the keel.

Even though this was Ryan's first day, he was
willing to go the extra mile at crunch time.

Finally, at 2:45, I had to go. Bud said he'd
keep the Boathouse open for as long as was needed for the
teams to put on a final layer of Varathane, for tomorrow,
we skin.
No time for a group photo - I just asked them
to smile, took the shot, and left for home.
Day 3 Participants:
- The Shoemake team: Sasha, Tyler, Keyonna (13,) Shaa (10,)
and Bud
- The Corcorans: Jared, Sonja, Jasper (14,) Jordan(11),
and friend,Willeke (14)
- The Sacco team: Andrew (15,) Christian (16,) Mark and
- The Silwone team: Dave, Ryan(18,) and Elicia (12)
- Staff: Aaron, Curt and Andrew