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Once upon a time, there wa' a young lad who never 'elped 'is mum with the cooking, the dishes, or the table. After dinner, this brat would go sit in front of the TV like a lump 'o crap. One day, this lad's poor, long suffering mum 'ad 'ad enough. When the little monster came 'ome from school, 'is mum smacked 'im upside 'is 'ead with a cricket bat, tossed the twit inta a pot, and boiled 'im like an egg. When 'is da got 'ome from work, 'e asked the mum "What's fer dinner?" The mum replied "Boiled brat an' potatoes." "About time," said the da, as 'e sat down and picked up 'is fork an' spoon.

Now git t' bed and don ferget t' 'elp yer mother once in a while.

It's What's for Dinner