Saying Good-bye to my Weekender
August 13, 2015
I got my Weekender, she was in sorry state. "95% done"
said the ad. There must have been a lot of work there, because that
last 5% was a bugger. I got her in July, and from then until I splashed
her in October, I scraped, painted, made sails, ran rigging, and
with the help of my friend, Greg, modified the trailer to be perfect
for the boat.

In October, 2006, I took her to Tachnich
Lake and splashed her for the first time. I was sailing with
Darrell Pepper on his 70th (75th?) birthday. Gorram, that's a purty

Tachnich Lake again - what a beauty.

In April of 2007, I took her to the Depoe
Bay Boat Show - where she was a hit.

In July of 2007, my cousin, Ron, and I sailed from Bellingham,
Washington to Sucia
Island in the San Juans. It was a hell of a passage and we'd
ship water over the bow every once in a while.

Lovely place, lovely boat.

Our "big" adventures took place on the Columbia. In 2009,
my sailing buddy, Jon, and I did the Columbia

What a fantastic trip.

She motored fine, she sailed fine, she was just a damn fine boat.
I'd wanted to do the Columbia 150 again, but her bottom was getting
spongy in a couple places. I
had to flip her over and rip
off her fiberglass, grind
out the rot, and re-cover her.
I got her done in time to do the Columbia
150 again in 2013, with my good friend Mike M.
But that was it - I was bringing her out every couple of years
for a week, then tucking her away again. I was being greedy, selfish.
It was time for someone else to love her.

I put up an ad on Craigslist at 9p on Monday night. At 5:30a, Tuesday
morning, she was sold - to my very good friend, David. David had
been in the fleet with us in the 2009 Columbia 150. He told me he
took 4 pictures of the other boats and 432 pictures of my Weekender.
She's going to as good home.