Depoe Bay Boat Show
April 18-19, 2015
The big thing I was doing was getting the Goose ready to sail.
As always, there are a million things to do, you can see most of
them here, in my writeup
on building a Goose.

First sight at the boat ramp at Depoe Bay was David, ready to help

I saw a couple scruffians walking the ramp and pressed them into
galley slaves. Zack is on the right, Zack's Friend is on the left.
(photo credit: John Kohnen)

Attendance was a little sparse this year, but out on the water,
we had Dick M's little tug, Bob L with his tricked out Bird Watcher
II, Jim C and his new party barge, Modoc, and Darrell P in
his Caulkins Craft (you can just see the nose)

Here's a different view, with the Goose down on the end, and John
K in his boat, Pickle.

Up on the hard, Mike L (Bob's son) had taken the Tik
Tak Kayak design and gone bonkers: Foot pedals, enclose storage
compartments, beer holders, it was amazing.

David knew we were going to be building
Coracles on May 2, so he brought a REAL coracle - made with
willow sticks and buffalo hide.

Zack (the galley slave) had his 9' tug here to show off.

And there was a real Pacific City Dory as well.

I headed back down to the water to see if my boat would sail. Bob
was tweaking with his Bird Watcher II . . .

. . . and John was holding court from the cockpit of Pickle.
Jim R had come up with Big Blue, a boat he'd built with his

As I did my final prep for sailing, a crowd gathered. It's not
every day you get to see a shipwreck.

The winds inside Depoe Bay are very tricky and gusty - and it was
an especially gusty day so I was trying to be extra careful getting
off the docks (photo credit John Kohnen)

There she goes (photo credit John Kohnen)

I'd had high hopes of sailing out around the Half Mile Buoy, but
it was a rough and windy bar - the Coasties had closed it to small

I zipped down to the other end of the harbor - look at that form!
and beat my way back again. She sailed wonderfully - I could go
anywhere I wanted.(Photo credit John Kohnen)

I was very, very pleased with her performance. And she's pretty,
too. (Photo credit John Kohnen)

What do you do once you've had a successful 5-minute test in a
brand new sailboat? Load it up with passengers, of course. Noah,
Chris, and Isaac (just behind me.) The tiller is a little long for
passengers. (Photo credit John Kohnen)

Oh, yeah. Sailing nice - a little down in the bow due to loading
and the tiller. (Photo credit John Kohnen)

I turned over control to Isaac ("here, this is the main sheet."
"What do I do with it?" "You look like a smart kid.
You'll figure it out.") and we sailed along just great. (Photo
credit John Kohnen)

And just like that - Isaac becomes a captain of his own destiny.

Jim and Lucy the Adventure Dog we out sailing, too. The wind was
kicking up, so I pulled in for the evening.

Up top, we had one of the Tik Tak Tens available for people to
put hand prints on (we even got a dog print)

And we were putting people into the Lazy Weekend canoes. Isaac,
Noah, and Craig, again.

Followed by Craig's brother, Chris, and . . . and . . . I cannot
remember the names of the two boys.

Here's a new boat - the Ward, a recent purchase and a great

Also up on top are some local artists. Those are some nice paddles,
I wish I had skill, talent. And patience.

The local Kids Club took to the canoes

And got blown on to the lee shore. No problem, they were able to
paddle free.

In the morning, the Small Craft Advisory flag was still up.

The half mile buoy might as well be on the moon.

Down at the water, Bob was showing off his latest invention - a
remote controller for his motor: Shifts, shows RPM, and increases/decreases
speed. It might even start it, too, I can't remember.

David and I went out for a sale (photo credit John Kohnen)

And Mike L launched his Tik Tak, Red November, and paddled her
around. He was VERY pleased with it.

Everybody had a go. Bob L (Mike's father) is an experienced kayaker
and he really liked the Red November. This was Mike's first build
- Bob showed him the basics.

Even I had a paddle. Damn, those are fun, little boats.

Coots being Coots and doing what Coots do best.

That is EXACTLY what Lazy Weekend canoes are designed for: Two
adults and two kids.

All good things must come to an end, and so it was with the 2015
Depoe Bay Boat Show. The Goose packs nicely. (Photo credit John
Next on the list if the Toledo Boat Show, August 14-16. Plan ahead
and come on down.