Our Boston Experience
April 5-9, 2011
After eating a pile of frog's legs, it was time for bed. Morning
brought a brand new day. We were heading west into the college area
to see a museum.

OK, that's something you don't see every day: An L. L. Bean shoecar.

This is the inner courtyard of the Isabella
Stuart Gardner museum - built in 1912 as a museum and left to
the people of Boston on the condition none of the exhibits would
ever be removed. They add and remove stuff around the exhibits,
but they don't take any of the original stuff away. It truly is
magnificent and has some great art, including Rembrant's portrait
of himself as a young man.

Back at the Boston Commons, Keely did the opposite
of Make Way for Ducklings - which someone had taken the time to
dress up like super heroes.

We hit the Paramount
on Charles St. Great burgers.

While eating, we witnessed a 'dooring.' That kid on
the right was riding his bike down the street and the lady by the
SUV just opened her door and WHAM! Head over heels. Nothing like
biking in a big city, is there? It's just terrifying. (wait a minute,
did we just get foreshadowed?)

After lunch and some wandering around, we headed back
down by the aquarium and joined up on a Ghosts
and Graveyards Tour. This is our guide, the Demon Anthracticon,
entertaining us before we started.

He took us up to Copp's Hill cemetery near the Old
North Church and told us stories dating back to the Revolutionary
War. He was really good and really funny.

Ghosts are supposed to show up in pictures taken next
to this tombstone. Eh, we tried. We really had a blast on this tour
- it was well worth the money. We headed back to the hotel at the
end - because I had a big day coming up.

There I am, boys and girls, outside Copley Square
and ready to start the 5K race. Only 6,000 people are allowed in
to the 5K race, so the medal is even more rare than the marathon

While walking around, I ran into Toby, a professional
photographer for Marathon
Foto. He knows Keely from events and FaceBook and we met at
in Las Vegas after the Midnight, Full Moon, Extra-Terresterial Run
summer (about 3/4 of the way down the write-up.) I know he wears
a panda hat at the events so he was easy to recognize.

Keely went out on the race course so she could see
me run by. Can you play "Find Andy" again?

After my 5K, we wandered down to Copley Square again
because we were supposed to meet some of Keely's friends from the
Marathon Maniac group. There were quite a few people there, getting
their pictures taken at the finish line while the workmen put final
touches on the grandstands.

Keely took the opportunity to pose with some royalty.
This is (l-r) Steve Yee, #1, Tony Philipi, #3, Keely, #2374, and
Christopher, #2.

Here's the whole Marathon Maniac crew as represented
at the 2012 Boston Marathon (play Find Keely in this one.)

More Oregonians: Andreas on the left and John on the
right. Both are very fast runners.

This is Robert Lopez from Washington.

And Dave Holmen (aka Famous Dave Holmen) who is trying
to Boston Qualify in a marathon in every state in the Union.

After the meet-n-greet, I left Keely to rest up at
the hotel and I went back down to the Aquarium area. This whole
idea of the Midnight Bike Ride was eating at my brain. I'd heard
of a place to rent bikes called Urban
Adventours. For $35, I got a sweet hybrid bike for the next
24 hours. Now all I needed to do was get it back to the hotel. I
took this photo while stopped at a light in Chinatown. The dudes
at Urban Adventours told me to "Think like a car" and
it worked. What you can't see is my butt puckered so tightly I could
have pooped diamonds.
This is not a logical place to break the page, but
it is a mathematically correct place to make the break (each page
has about 25 pictures.)