The Silwone's Boat
Feb 11, 2012
After the Family Boat Build, we took the month of
January off to recharge. When we came back on February 11, we saw
Dave Silwone's boat was still at the Boathouse. Never having seen
one float before, we thought we'd take it for a spin - you know,
for science.

She sits in the water just as fine as frog's hair.
Man, that's a beautiful boat.

At 15' long and just 30" wide, the Rushton IGO
is a little small by canoe standards. I figured I'd better be the
first person to try it. I am very pleased with the trim of the craft
with one person - she sits just right. It's a little twitchier than
your average production canoe, but not so much as to cause concern.

With two of us (~360lbs) it was twitchier still -
what they call "Low in Initial Stability" in the magazines.
Once you start paddling, she settles down nicely. Again: Look at
the trim. I have about 40lbs or more on Curt, and the seats are
placed correctly for balancing the weight.

Curt wasn't as comfortable as I was with the twitchiness.
I think he just needs a bit more practice - at no time were we in
any danger of going over, not even close. It's just a very light
boat carrying her max capacity. She's bound to want to move a bit.

Bud tried her out next and paddled off with confidence.

And this picture says it all: Look at her glide. The
sharp rake to the ends makes her look great, don't you think?
Yeah, that's a fine boat. An excellent example of
Skin-on-Frame technology.