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Various Boatbuilding Experiences
Puddle Duck Racer
Newport 16 sailboat

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Once upon a time, there wa' a wee lad who didna like t' do the work his da tol' him t' do. Full o' piss and vinegar, this snot-nosed lad ran away from 'ome one day. By the time it got dark, he wa' cold and 'ungry. He decided t' go back 'ome. Back at the 'ouse, his da told 'im "Git away from 'ere, ye ungrateful brat! We're using yer room as a sheep pen now." The rest o' the family crowded out the door and began t' throw sticks an' rocks at the wee boy's 'ead. The brat ran off inta the night, crying wi' shame an' fear. 'E froze t' death 'eer morn, 'is wee little blue 'ands clutching 'is tattered coat about 'is frozen shoulders.