That rocker on the hull is a bit of a problem when
it comes to seat height. The hull bends down 6" from transom
to transom. Your heels need to be lower than your butt for comfortable
rowing - about 8" is nice, but that puts your seat top 14
inches above the hull.
Oarlocks need to be a minimum of 5" above the
top of the seat, or you'll hit your thighs on the backstroke.
7" is better. Over 8" feels weird.
Take it all together: The aft edge of the seat is
36" from the stern so the oarlocks are 24" from the
stern. Oarlocks 7" above the seat top, which is 8" above
your heels which are 6" above the hull = a hull height (or
at least oarlock height) of 21" at 24" from the stern.