This is my latest plan for an eXpedition class Puddle Duck Racer.
I have decided that going to windward is pretty much the most important
thing in an expeditioning PDR - especially if I am going to use
one on the Columbia150.
I believe the Oz PDR give the best windward performance - mainly
because I have blind faith in Michael Storer. .I chose to follow
the Oz plans for the hull shape, foils, mast, and sails.
I believe expedition boats should have at least 2 forms of propulsion
- you can lose a sail or lose an oar, but it will be a very bad
day when you lose both. I modified the topdecks of the Oz plans
to accommodate a fairly comfortable rowing station.
I believe we tend to sit too far back in our boats. The 12"
wide aft deck will help prevent this. Also, the thwart will be (re)movable
to accommodate either rowing, sailing, or having an open cockpit.
The thwart will slide from 12" furthest back to ~40" furthest
The side decks will be 7" wide at the top for comfortable
sitting. The sides of the airtanks will slope inward at a 15 degree
angle and will contact the bottom 12" in from the sides. This
will leave the cockpit 24" wide - plenty of room for sleeping.
This should also help prevent the floor from flexing.
The airboxes are 48" long and begin 12" forward of the
stern. The aft and forward ends of the airboxes are enclosed and
there is an access port in each so them so they can be used for
storage. Passengers will sit on the forward ends of the airboxes
and be balanced by the skipper at the back.
The areas behind and in front of the airboxes are open to the sides
- covered by the decks. This increases storage area - especially
when sleeping when gear needs to be shoved out of the center of
the boat.
The foredeck is just under 34"wide. It will be reinforced
and support the mast partner. Maybe an access hatch?
The daggerboard will be offset to maximize cockpit space. It will
be mounted on the port side - optimized for the Texas200.
And finally, I couldn't find any 5 ply plywood in 6 different lumber
stores. I didn't want to go with just a 5.2mm bottom again - every
time I have, it has cracked. Also, I didn't want to go with the
weight of 3/8. I decided the main stress area is in the cockpit.
I have chosen to make the 2' wide center of the boat double thick
- this will stiffen it and still keep it as light as possible.
Comments are welcome.