Kayaks and Container Boards
July 29/30, 2016
When last we left the Kayak
Build, we were rushing to get the third, final, kayak stitched
up and ready for painting. We are getting very close to done.

Casket Division? I wonder what the other divisions are? I wonder
what the world wide business in caskets is? I wonder what the competition

Just like we left 'em.

The first order was to get another coat of varnish on the second
kayak - this stuff takes time to dry, time I can use working on
the other boat.

Aaron, Paula, and her daughter, Grace, came by and went out for
a paddle. One person can paddle a canoe. Two people can paddle a
canoe. Three people, not so much. By all reports, it was a wonderful
bonding experience.

Luke, who'd helped us a couple weeks ago, came by for another session,
so I had him test out the first kayak. It'd leaked - more 'weeped'
- the first couple of times out, so we lacquered it with . . . 5?
6? coats of varnish and now it is nicely sealed.

Bud and Mei were back to help the the boat stitched up.

We were at a stitching stage where one person, Mei, could do it
by herself, so I turned Luke and Bud loose on getting a new mast
ready for the Goose. I showed Luke how to use the belt sander, demonstrated
it, then asked "Tell me one thing you DIDN'T see me do."
He hemmed and hawed a bit, so I suggested "Did you see me put
my hand under it?" He got the message.

I showed him how to use the hot knife. "Tell me one thing
you DIDN'T see me do." He nailed it this time: "You didn't
touch the blade."
We kept going, everybody working on projects until it was time
to shut down for the night. I brought in the kayaks for the night.

I saw I had melted a small hole in the bow of the boat when I'd
heated it last week. I filled it with PL Premium and . . .

. . . covered it over with tape. It worked wonderfully.

The last step of the evening was to place the hatch. That's it,
time for dinner.

In the morning, I hauled the first two kayaks out into the sun
so they could get another coat of varnish.

This is my favorite part of boat building - one mess up and everything
is bad. Nothing like a 300° hot knife slicing through fabric
without a real good idea of how it will all work out.

This weekend wasn't just for kayaks, we were going to build container
board boats for the Boat show. We had a team: Patience, Sebastian,
and Anthony. Step 1: Get the floor ready - we'd be spending a lot
of time there.

Measuring, fractions, blueprint reading, materials properties,
tool use. An excellent project.

With the kids occupied, I turned too on stitching the hatch to
the kayak.

They kept at it. Skill building takes time and practice.

While all this was going on, Geoff was varnishing the kayaks.

Bud and Mei came in so I put Bud onto finishing up the stitching
on the hatch.

That's purty.

With the hatch stitched on, it was time to shrink the skin. I love
this part.

The kids were ready to go 3D. Exciting times.

That's a nice picture - lots and lots of work going on.

Whoopsie, held the heat gun a little too long in one place. No

Mei took care if it with a little stitching. Now the boat it unique
in all the world.

The hull on the container board boat came together nicely.

Stems go on and poof! There you go, a container board boat capable
of holding two moderately-sized adults (about 350lbs displacement
at a 4" draw.)

We are a "community" boat house, so we couldn't build
just one container board boat. The kids did a heck of a job!

That was a busy day. The kids took off to go swimming, Bud and
Mei went home, Geoff went off to do his thing, and and I got a few
moments alone with my new love. Time for her first coat of varnish.

Just as I was getting close to the end, John showed up to put on
the last few strokes of varnish. Everybody gets to participate.

John's real purpose was to show me that his boat was used in an
ad for the Port
Townsend Wooden Boat Festival in WoodenBoat
Magazine (issue 251, July/August 2016, page 15). Ever wonder
if someone's boat is used in an ad in WoodenBoat Magazine? Don't
worry, just wait a minute and he'll tell you.
All kidding aside (none of my boats have ever been used in an ad)
this was a great weekend. My thanks to everyone involved and to
all of you reading.