Chuck the Duck Comes to Visit
October 31, 2015

Friday started off with a heck of a King Tide, a little over 9ft.
We get these big tides in the spring and fall, some can be 12ft
or more.

Things were pretty slow on Friday, we had a few visitors: Rick,
a well known friend of the Boathouse, a lady with her 7-month-old
lab, and Matt, who wants to do the Race
to Alaska in 2016.
That was about it for Friday.

On Saturday, Chuck "the Duck" Leinweber, owner/operator
of Duckworks Magazine
and Duckworks Boat Builder's
Supply came for a visit with his lovely wife, Sandra, and his
daughter, Carol. I introduced them to David West, manager of the
Teak Lady Society, and a good time was had by all.

The Teak Ladies are beautifully built boats and are required viewing
for visiting dignitaries.

We walked from one end of the docks to the other, and Bob Larkin
appeared. Bob built a Birdwatcher II and sailed with Chuck and I
on the 2009
Columbia 150.

Carol was invited to try on the Viking hat, and she graciously

Chuck had to give it a go as well - over his baseball hat. I'm
not sure that fashion statement will take off.

Sandra decided to stay back at the Boathouse while we went for
a paddle. It was a blustery day and we were at the tail end of an
incoming tide, so going up the slough was easy.

I told them the story of the Toledo
Incident of 1925 and a local story about how Kingfisher's got
their laugh.


The paddle went to the tide gates, about 1.25 miles from the Boathouse.
Everyone touched the gates (sort of a Right of Passage) and we turned
around, into the wind and into the now incoming tide.

When we finally got back to the Boathouse, John K was there, delivering
6 sheets of Hydrotek that we will be using to build new Lazy Weekend
canoes. These sheets were generously donated by our very good friend,
Mark Albanese. Thank you, Mark. We are going to have some fun with

We rounded out the visit with an excellent lunch at Pig
Feathers. It was a great day in Toledo.
Thanks Chuck, Sandra, and Carol! It was great seeing and meeting