Goosin' and a party
Feb 7-8, 2015

When last we left our Goose, she'd gone 3D with the sides and transom
attached to the bottom. Now we need to make a boat out of her.

Step 1 was to remove the 100 plus screws and fill the holes - I
use toothpicks dipped in glue as they are cheap and readily available.
Once inserted, I give them a whack with a rubber mallet to seat

Once seated, I slice off the excess with a saw or chisel. Note:
I am not waiting for the glue to dry, just seating the toothpick
and slicing.

Route off the corners of the sides and back. I am using a 1/2"
roundover bit for this.

I use my favorite wood shaping tool - a 4" angle grinder with
a 36g pad - to round over the bow transom.

I went over the entire exterior with the random orbital sander
- once with 60g paper and then with 120. A craftsman would probably
sand it again with 180, but I'm not a craftsman.

I brushed off the sawdust and cut the lengths of cloth I am using
for the chines. I used 6",
12 oz biaxial tape for this, which is overkill, as soon as I
use up my 12 oz stuff, I will switch to
6 oz. This biaxial tape is GREAT as it easily conforms to curves
and doesn't have the svelging down the edge. I recommend it for
all corners and fillets.

I'd just gotten gloved up and gone through my first batch of epoxy
when the girls showed up. Patience was having a birthday party and
they wanted to do some canoe racing. They were using kitty litter
pails filled with rocks to hold down the buoys.

Tak Kayaks might be ugly boats, but they are stable and can
carry weight. The 10' version has room for 2.

I ended the night putting 2 wet-on-wet coats of epoxy, that 12
oz tape really sucks it up. Filling the weave takes at least 3,
probably 4 coats.

In the morning, I remembered Patience had built a boat during the
Toledo Boat Show last summer and she wanted a pair of skegs on it.
Had I remembered the boat before, I could have had it ready for
her birthday party.

Geoff came to help, so I had him figure out the placement of the
skegs while I cut the lumber.

Connie came by to get PFDs and canoes for the birthday party that
would happen later that day.

We gave the skegs a liberal coating of painter's caulk to make
sure water doesn't get between the skeg and the hull and allow rot.
When attaching the skegs, we screw the ends down to the bow and
stern chine logs, then use 3/4" screws from the inside to pull
it in tight.

Screwing down the ends - we are using 1 5/8 deck screws to hold
the ends in place.

Probably overkill, but we used 3/4" screws every 4" to
screw the skegs to the hull.

Nice squeeze out! The final step was to clean up the excess and
let the caulk cure.

Done for this week. Now it's off to the party.

February on the Oregon coast - the perfect time for an outdoor

This is how Oregon mom's cook hotdogs in high wind.

Connie had a bunch of games planned, including this balloon stomp.

The marshmallow blowguns we made at the Boathouse were a big hit.
Connie handed them out and told the kids to "Go practice"
so they did - on each other.
An excellent birthday party for an excellent friend of the Boathouse.
Happy Birthday, Patience.