Introducing the Tik Tak Too
September 12-13, 2014

The launching of the Tik Tak Too, a 12' version of the Tik
Tak Kayak. This design requires (3) sheets of ply and can displace
550lbs with a draw of 4".

I've been noodling on how to make paddling more comfortable for
people with limited mobility. Most kayaks are difficult to enter
and exit - I wanted to see if I could make a stable floating platform
capable of making use of a comfy chair.

Hmmm, this is different.

The chair should be set in a frame so it can't slide around. And
I am sitting up so high the paddles are a little short.

Poor Curt, he always gets roped in to these schemes.

Bob is my primary target for this design - his knees don't allow
him to climb into low seated boats like canoes or kayaks, but he
wants to get out on the water.

While it worked and performed exactly as designed, everyone agreed
it was just too weird, sitting up that high. It was stable and moved
OK, but . . . it just felt odd.

Curt and I tried it in Kayak Mode - sitting on boat cushions. There
was plenty of room for 2 grown adults and it worked very well as
a lake kayak. Curt thought it might benefit from a skeg, but I kind
of think people ought to have to at least TRY to learn to paddle.

The most comfortable configuration was seats at the top of the
sides (about 10" over the floor, comfortable on the knees.
The seats could be permanently attached - when used solo, the person
would just sit in Curt's seat, facing the other way (another reason
not to use skegs.)

Testing stopped when Patience and her mom, Connie, showed up with
Hailey in tow. Patience and Connie had built that boat at the Toledo
Boat Show this year, and hadn't had time to finish it out. I
put the girls to work touching it it.

After sanding, they blew out all the dust. If you have the need
of a shop vac, consider getting one that has a detachable blower
unit - we use it all the time.

Caulking lessons. This is something learned by experience. It takes
a lot of practice.

I like the light in this one. Both Patience and Hailey were diligent
in their caulking effort.

Enough building - time for the boats. The girls LOVED the Tik Tak

This was Hailey's first time, but Patience thinks the only way
to paddle is to stand.

Since she had mastered Stand Up Paddling, I suggested she try one-legged
Stand Up Paddling.

Hailey is a quick study.

Connie had invited another family to come - and they took to the
boats right away.

Maybe this is why SUP is becoming so popular - the kids love it.

Hmm, those decks were never intended to have someone sit on them.

Those sloping ends have the wonderful property of making re-entry
very easy. That wasn't an intent of the design, but we'll take it.

Umm, that wasn't a design consideration either, but it works just
fine. They paddled around the rest of the evening.

In the morning, we noticed the slough was FULL of these little
fingerlings - about 3" long. From where we stood, we could
see them breaking surface all over the entire slough. There were
no predators around, either - no cormorants, no Great Blue Herons,
no Lessor Green Herons, no one. Some King Fishers showed up later,
but I didn't see them fishing.

We met a new friend, Marvin. He hung out with us all morning. Welcome

The kids showed up after a soccer match. Sebastian was with Connie
and Patience this time.

Hailey and her family showed up - with Charlie the Dog.

Into the boats.

That is one purty canoe.

I had to explain to Brandon (and Patience) that you don't Stand
Up Paddle a canoe.

No, he didn't fall in - that would have been poetic, but he jumped

And off to the tide gates they went. A fitting end to a great weekend
at the Boathouse.