A Wondrous Weekend
June 7-8, 2013

The Lazy Weekend canoes are finished - and they lay like pieces
of candy on the docks.

They looked so good, we decided to keep going. Over the last couple
weeks, we acquired a Nuf - a 10ft canoe design that is used for
the Family Boat Build at the Toledo Wooden Boat Show. It had been
painted in primer, but not top coated. Now we have a Navy Blue Nuf.

I pied a couple walking the docks. I corralled them, gave them
a tour of the Boathouse, then . . .

. . .more or less pressed them into a canoe. They had never canoed
before and didn't really want to go canoeing that day, but I can
be persuasive when there are canoes, PFDs, and people around.

We had a little extra time, so we set about doing some repairs.
"Navajo Brand" canoe paddles, eh? They never struck me
as canoe people.

More repairs. We had some canoe paddles that had never been finished.
A few coats of Spar Varnish and they'll be put into use.

Our guests returned, triumphant and happy - they ended up having
a great paddle, seeing osprey and heron and generally having a fantastic

We were going to participate in a brand new boat launching down
at the Toledo Boat Yard, and fellow Coots "Sparking" Joe
L and Charley came up from Springfield. Joe's boat is an electrified
Fantail Launch of Selway-Fisher

Joe is a steamhead - even cast the parts to make his own steam
engine - and he had this whistle with him.

Poor Joe, that whistle is designed to be powered by a boiler, not
Joe's lungs. Still, he was game anytime someone would ask to hear
what it sounded like. By the end of the day, Joe was puffing and
huffing a bit.

Curt and I took one of the Lazy weekend canoes down to the Boat
Yard to watch the festivities. The boat had never been in the water
and was hanging in the sling launch. Poor Curt hadn't canoed with
me very much, and I don't think he knew what I was about to do.

Kids, this is stupid. There is no reason - ever - to paddle under
a boat that is hanging in the slings. It's probably dangerous.

Whoever owns the Excaliber has an excellent sense of color, don't
you think?

This is a top view of the houseboat.

I got shanghaied into doing the blessing of the boat. We had a
spirited discussion of which way North was.

Then, I had to make sure about what was going to happen with the
booze: We weren't going to smash the bottle - that's just irresponsible
- so: Did the gods get all the booze? Most of it? These are important

Rick said a few words . . .

. . . then I said the ceremony: "God of all waters and waters
of all gods, please accept the Friendship into this of boats
that sail upon the seas. North wind, East wind, South wind, West
wind, please treat her kindly and look after her for all her days."

They they lowered her down tot he water for the first time.

Bud grabbed the Port's tug and maneuvered her to where she'll undergo
the next phase of her build (the interior is unfinished.)

Curt and I conned Joe into giving us a tow back to the Boathouse.

As we approached the Boathouse, you can really get a sense of the
lovely Welsfordian curves of Salt, one of out Mollyhawks.
Best of luck to you and your floating Bed and Breakfast business,
Rick! Thanks for letting us be a part of it.