Return to the Clark Fork Drifter
January 26, 2013

It's been a while since we did any work on the Clark Fork Drifter.
We got distracted by the QT Skiff and sort of went astray. The 2013
Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show is just a few months away and we have
to get her ready.

Step One was to give her paint a good rogering. It'd been over
a month since we laid down the paint and the new paint needs a good
surface to cleat to. Curt took to it with 100 grti paper and had
her sanded inside and out in no time.

She'd been sitting upright since we flipped her - and you can see
from the picture above there's a lot of particulate in the air in
the Boathouse, so Curt and Bill took to her innards, first with
a vacuum, then with damp rags, then dry.

I'd bought the first quart of paint at the Miller store in Agate
Beach. The second quart (because no boat can use just a quart, but
they never use a gallon, either,) I got at the Miller Store in Salem.
The guy said "These paints might not match - you know the store
in Agate Beach uses a different tinting machine than we do."
Yeah, right. The good news was the paints matched perfectly.

Insides done, it was now time to do the outside. That is one purty
blue boat.

While Curt and Bill had been painting, Bob and I had laid out the
seat tops and done some varnishing. That is going to be one showcase
drift boat.
Next week: Pull the tape, touch up the edges, install the seats
and wales.