The painting of the Mollyhawks
July 6-7 and 13-14, 2012
This has been a long time coming, but I can pretty safely say this:
These are the most beautiful boats I have ever worked on.

We'd been working on the oars for a while, then I got to thinking:
It's July and the boats aren't even painted yet! We had a quick
meeting to discuss colors. We kind of like calling the boats Salt
and Pepper (stands for Starboard and Port - where they sit in the
Boathouse) and eventually decided to paint them like nav lights:
Pepper (the port boat) gets red and Salt (starboard boat) gets green.
Cherry red and Hunter green, to be exact.

We'd primered the boats the week before. Now it was time to get
to painting for real. There aren't a whole lot of pictures of the
process, since every time I take a picture, I have to replace my

I was working alone on Friday night, so I taped up the boats and
got Salt painted with her first coat of green. The seat tops and
wales will be red - just like Pepper's seat tops and wales will
be green. We are using Miller
Paint's Premium Spar Enamel, applied with a 'smooth surface'
roller (those little foam ones.)

Saturday, I was back at the boathouse. In addition to building,
I use it as a central meeting place for my other boat related activities.
I need some shop space at home, so I'd offered my Skin-on-Frame
Whitehall to 'first come, first serve' and Virgil came up to claim
it. It should be a fantastic rower for him.

Leland and Fulton were here for the morning work. It's guys like
these that give me hope for the future.

Salt's keel looked well coated, so we peeled the tape off and did
the fine detail work with an artist brush.

While I worked on Pepper, Fulton gave Salt her second coat.

These boats are turning out to be the prettiest things I have ever
worked on. I am just in awe.

We ended this week with 2 coats on Salt and 1 coat on Pepper.

I was back at it July 13, but I didn't take any pictures. I just
re-taped Salt and did the first coat of trim, and did the second
coat of hull paint on Pepper. On the 14th, I peeled the tape off
Pepper and started her first coat of trim.

So here they are: They both have there 2 coats of base and trim
and are ready for final painting on July 20 (final painting is where
we check for missed spots and get the areas under the sawhorses.)

Here's the view the fishes will see. Damn, those are purty boats.
Next Friday: Final paint. Saturday: Naming and splash. For those
wondering, we are using for paint. It is great stuff.