Mollyhawks - starting the oars
May 19, 2012
We now have (2) racing rowboats, each capable of carrying (2) rowers.
The next thing we need is (8) oars.

John Welsford, designer of the Mollyhawks, sent me the plans for
the oars, but they were in metric. I like metric, but it's easy
enough for me to convert 'em. Here in Toledo, we are timber-rich,
and at first, thought of carving the oars out of 3"x3"
baulks. Only problem is, I'm not much of a carver.

I decided I could make more oars with less wood if we laminated
the pieces together. The first step was to rip (4) baulks into (8)
1x3 planks and (4) 1/2" planks. I ripped them a tad thick and
planed 'em to perfect.

We was making sawdust today, lemme tells ya. MIA was enjoying herself
as well.

Pile 'o wood, soon to become oars

Clamp the template in place and start tracing.

I'd considered using the bandsaw to cut the oars, but Bud was using
it to make little wooden boat hulls that will be used for a Kid's
Boat Build at the Toledo Wooden Boat Show this year. I went with
a sabersaw instead.

Oh, man, what a great shot. It usually takes me a day to get the
sawdust out of what little hair I have.

We have just enough screw clamps for (4) oars. The next set of
oars will be glued next week.
So there you have it. We could have carved the oars from
solid baulks of timber, but instead of using (8) baulks, laminating
allowed us to cut the necessary planks from only (4) baulks. I know
I should have been using ash or spruce for these, but we live in
fir country, so fir is what we use.
We can always make more oars.