Getting to know Her
Oct 6-8, 2017
We've got some pretty good hills heading south from where we live.
Lightly traveled roads with just enough traffic to keep things interesting.
For the first time, I branched out of the neighborhood and crossed
over Sunnyside. Rocinante really likes the hills - 3rd and
4th to keep it at the speed limit. I turned left on Liberty and
sped up to keep ahead of the traffic. Light leans and easy turns
and she was doing just fine.
When I got to about 65mph, she started "choking" (for
lack of a better word.) She was sputtering like she was running
out of gas. I flipped it to Reserve and turned around, but kept
it slower. About halfway home I convinced myself that there was
no way she was out of gas - simply no way, so I flipped it off of
Reserve and headed back out. Again, at about 65mph, she started
choking. I headed home.

Getting her first sips from the pump. I had originally thought
she needed premium, but on further reading, regular is fine. Too
bad ethanol is what we have, so I'll just have to be careful and
add stabilizer.

Ah, gorram it! I set the gas cap on the seat and it fell off and
broke. A new cap needs a new key - or replace the ignition at the
same time.

On Sunday I took her back out. My goal was to get a feel of her
at speed and how she handles in different conditions. I did some
short stops on leaves and gravel roads.

I also did some cornering. Nothing too hard - I'm not a racer.
I just want to get a feel for her.