Cheap oars are dead easy to make - if you have the right tools. I use
the following:
- Tablesaw
- Belt sander
- Power Planer
- Chisel
- Clamps
You want to start with the shaft - it needs to be from fairly good
wood - as few knots as possible. If there are knots, it is better if
they are down at the blade end (the blades will provide support) or
in the thicker sections.
Conventional wisdom says the length of the oar should be a bit less
than 2x the beam, so the dimension of tapered section of the shaft is
flexible. Also, you should keep the untapered section long enough to
reach the oarlocks (where the force will be greatest.)
The oars don't have to be round, but for me, it is just as easy to make
'em round as it is to leave 'em square.