The Laguna seems to be a real sane boat plan - no swoopy curves, construction doesn't require any special equipment or exotic glues, the sails are Michalak standard 75sqft Balanced Lugs and easily made with polytarp on a standard sewing machine (full set of sails should cost less than $40.)

3 sheets of 1/4 ply, 3 sheets of1/2 ply, and some 2x4s and you are good to go.

My only complaint is that is it over 23ft long. When I think of a 23 footer, I'm thinking of crossing oceans.

Still - it is very economical and very versatile. I think it'd be an excellent craft for expedition style sailing - like the TX200, Everglades Challenge, and Outer Banks Crossing.

You can get plans from Duckworks. Enjoy.