Roughing out the Corky
June 27-30, 2016
A Corky is a novelty boat - basically a sailing inner tube It has
long been a joke in the adventure boating world, but I've never
actually seen one, so I thought we better have a couple at the Boathouse.
The free plans can be found on Simplicity Boats:
Corky Plans. I found some large truck tires at a river tubing
company: Outdoor
Supply Inc. The rest of the bits, we'll be making at home.

There's the inner tube in the raw.

Inflated, it's just like the website said: About 12" high
and . . .

about 44" wide.

I wanted to elongate the shape - just because.

I got the cheapest 1x10 the local lumber store had: Pre-primed
exterior trim. I got one piece about 8' long, then had to get another
about 6' long to make the rudder and mast partner.

Trying to figure out how to do the stems. Eh, close enough.

I'm seeing how far I can stretch the tube so I can place the second

That's it, essentially.

Here's my idea for the rudder: Plumbing straps for the gudgeons
and a big dowel for the pintle. You'll see more on this, later.

Time to make some sails. I used an old tarp that sat on my roof
for 4 months a year ago - it had suffered UV degradation, but the
price was right. I have 3 tubes, so I'll make 3 sails. I don't feel
like drawing out copies of the sail, so I folded the tarp over to
get 3 layers, and pinned it together.
I am using a version of the
Michalak 75 sqft Balanced Lug scaled down to 16sqft.

The tarp was fraying badly. UV is tough on plastics. I needed to
come up with a way to keep the sails from disintegrating once hung
on he mast.

I decided to put a 3/4" fold at the edge of the panels - no
raw edges. I like this method - I might continue it.


Pin the panels in place and stitch 'em in. That's the way to get
it done.

I wanted to run an edge rope around the peak, head, throat, luff,
clew, foot, and tack of the sail - leaving the leach clean. I went
to Walmart (because it is close) and looked at their pathetic selection
of ropes. Clothes line ought to not be stretchy, don't you think?
WRONG - this garbage is stretchy as heck. Don't use it (but I did)

Welting foot to get the thread close to the edge rope.

One of these sails will be going to a friend and fellow adventurer
who lives in Canada. I had some spare white polytarp so I printed
up a maple leaf and . .

Tada! Except now that I look at it, the leaf is in line with the
leach, but when hung properly, the leach will be at an angle, so
the leaf will be at an angle. Those crazy Canuks. What will they
think of next?

It's grommet time! One at each corner, one each for the reef points
, and five each for the head and foot, 16 total. Grommets can be
gotten from Duckworks,
your friendly on-line chandlery.

Get the tools, too - they make the job go much easier. The hole
punch is from Harbor Freight.

Again: Tada! A 16sqft balanced lug made from an old tarp and with
a crooked leaf for decoration. It's poetry, man!