The greatest danger for any adventurer is overpacking. There is no way for you to be prepared for every contingency. To my mind, the best way to go about it is to pack for a good trip and plan on one major f*ck-up. Then have a way to get out and go home.

Face it: You aren't going to finish of you break your arm, become demasted, or get hulled by a rogue manatee. The best you can hope for is to survive the emergency and call for help.

I've over packed for this trip, I know it. Additionally, I know there will be enough food and water to provision us for more than a month on full rations.

The b*tch is that I have the space. I couldn't have fit everything into a carry on, so I needed a checked bag. Once you have a checked bag, you might as well go all the way. And this boat? It's friggin HUGE compared to what I am used to. I might encourage my partner to take a side trip to Cuba to pick up some refugees just to fill out the cargo space.

Have I covered all possibilities? Nope. Can I? Nope, so why try? All I have to do is survive - and get my partner to survive - long enough for an extraction.

The trick will be planning ahead enough to make sure we don't need an extraction.