That's it, but it ain't over. Pat's new favorite saying is: When does she sail? When she's finished. When will she be finished? After she sails.

We took her out on a maiden voyage a couple of days ago (this previously referenced essay) and learned a lot. In particular, we learned that she is a FINE sailer and very exciting.

The next steps will be to improve safety - she really needs methods of dousing the main and jib quickly and safely. A few adjustments and tweaking of the placement of the lines and she'' be a breeze to sail (pun intended.)

As she is a 'proving' boat, she will undergo many transformations. Pat even muses about doing a schooner rig! Man, that will be a sight to see. It'll also be amusing to watch the skipper grow another couple of sets of arms when tacking with such a rig, but I have no doubt it can be done.